The Banner Saga recently released the third and final installment in the epic story of refugees escaping a calamity in their Norse mythology inspired world. While the ending to the third installment has left some people frustrated, I find that it is the perfect book-end to one of the best storytelling experiences in videogames. As […]
Far Cry 3: Jason Brody and Bad Open World Narratives
By the end of Far Cry 2, I had given up hope. There comes a point where you are paid to kill all of the newly appointed leaders of the two warring factions. These are men who you have had working relationships and for better or for worse gotten used to in some capacity. You […]
Firewatch: A Review
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; – Robert Frost An almost […]
Destiny and Shortcomings in Videogame Narrative
I read two great articles this past week that I feel highlight the major reasons why narrative storytelling is generally lacking in games, particularly in big budget titles. One about artists and techies not being able to work together due to a mutual disrespect, and one about Destiny’s problematic development. I have never played Destiny, but […]
The Cat Lady: What A Game Can Teach Us About Hope and Depression
I know a few cat ladies but none of them are immortal super heroes like the one in The Cat Lady, a gory, psychological horror adventure game that attempts to take you on a roller coaster of emotion by emphasizing on story. The game is a fairly new release (2012 on Steam) it evokes adventure […]